Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I think that this assignment was easy but hard at the same time, I have never really blogged before, but I do have the experience of making websites. So typing things that entice people is not very hard for me, but I have not blogged, so this was a different experience, also I believe that this assignment was not fair in the reason that if someone had two comments and then another person had fifteen, that person had to do a lot more work then the person with only two people.

I also think that this project was very educating, it made us do something out of the ordinary and we had all the steps to do it, it was very well planned out as well giving us what we needed to do on a certain day. But on the other hand, we may have had many problems trying to find where to go on the blogging website and where to go if we were to exit the blogger, and some people may have forgotten their username and password. Overall I think that this project was a good project, it taught me many things and how to blog if i ever become a worker at Facebook, or Twitter.

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